Equity and Justice
“Equal rights, fair play, justice, are all like the air: we all have it, or none of us has it.” – Maya Angelou
We must address the harm caused by unfair systems and work to build new ones grounded in equity and justice. To realize a future in which all people are healthy, safe, and free to lead a fulfilling life, there must be a commitment to racial equity and justice.
We invest in work at the policy-change level to end mass incarceration, mass criminalization, and other harmful systems. We also fund direct service organizations working to support and empower individuals and families who have been impacted by these systems.
- Advocacy, organizing, and coalition-building, led by directly impacted leaders
- Initiatives that affirm the humanity and dignity of people who are incarcerated and remove barriers to their success
- Opportunities, care, and resources for individuals impacted by the criminal legal system
- Cross-disciplinary, intersectional approaches to achieving equity and justice